Eugene Kernan landed on the moon during the Apollo 17 mission

Eugene Kernan landed on the moon during the Apollo 17 mission Eugene Kernan landed on the moon during the Apollo 17 mission

Apollo 17 was the 11th and final spacecraft of NASA's Apollo missions, landing on the moon with astronauts. The Apollo 17 mission lasted from December 7 to 19, 1972.

Apollo 17 commander Eugene Kernan and lunar module pilot Harrison Schmidt stepped onto the lunar surface on December 11. Command module pilot Ronald Evans was on board.

Schmidt is the only geologist on Earth to land on the moon. Schmidt succeeded astronaut Joey Engel on the moon. Because NASA is under pressure to send scientists to the moon.

Five rats also flew to the moon to conduct biological experiments as part of the Apollo 17 mission. 
Apollo 17 launched on December 7. It returned to Earth on December 19. Apollo 17 set several new records for manned space missions.

The records are the longest manned lunar mission (12 days and 14 hours), the farthest distance from the spacecraft for astronaut activities (7.6 kilometers), the longest time the spacecraft stayed on the lunar surface (22 hours and 4 minutes), and most of them came from The sample from the lunar surface (115 kg) was returned to Earth and remained in lunar orbit for the longest period of time (6 days and 4 hours).

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আপনি লগ ইন অবস্থায় নেই।
আপনার রিভিউ দেওয়ার জন্য লগ ইন করুন। যদি রেজিষ্ট্রেশন করা না থাকে প্রথমে রেজিষ্ট্রেশন করুন।