The Galaxy S24 series will be available on January 17. This Samsung phone is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor with overclocking capabilities. The second step is to integrate FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) technology into this phone. In other words, the FSR technology used in AMD Radeon series graphics cards will be seen in the Galaxy S24 series.
That’s why FSR has partnered with AMD and Qualcomm to leverage this technology. AMD has developed a technology called FSR that's designed to improve gaming performance on a par with Nvidia's DLSS. The technology is designed to help high-graphics-performance games run more smoothly without overloading the phone's hardware
Samsung, Qualcomm and AMD are reportedly working together to integrate the technology into new phones. Qualcomm's Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 already features technologies like ray tracing that can significantly improve gaming performance.
It is believed that the use of FidelityFX super resolution on the Samsung Galaxy S24 model not only gives the smartphone a stylish appearance, but also makes the Samsung Galaxy S24 look more fashionable. Will it take you to new heights? Set yourself apart from the competition.
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