Does satellite feature on Android require a longer wait

Does satellite feature on Android require a longer wait Does satellite feature on Android require a longer wait

Satellite company Iridium's agreement with US chipmaker Qualcomm has reportedly ended. Therefore, the waiting time for satellite or satellite communication functions on Android operating system smartphones increases. However, earlier this year, Qualcomm announced satellite capabilities in Snapdragon chips.

Even if there is no network on the mobile phone in an emergency, it is reported that both parties can obtain communication capabilities through satellite. That is, users gain the ability to send and receive messages. Qualcomm plans to deploy low-orbit satellites as part of its deal with Iridium.

Iridium announced in a press release that it has successfully developed a satellite-based smartphone communications model in partnership with Qualcomm. What the technology will look like will also be shown. Qualcomm's Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chips already feature satellite communications technology.

Android smartphones do not support satellite connections. Because one of the chip suppliers to smartphone manufacturers is Qualcomm. The reason is that although Qualcomm plans to use satellite communications technology to produce chips, smartphone manufacturers have no interest in taking advantage of Qualcomm. As a result, Qualcomm had to decide to terminate its contract with Iridium.

That's not to say satellite-based connectivity won't be added to Android smartphones once Iridium's deal with Qualcomm closes. But wait times to use the facility will increase. Instead, smartphone manufacturers themselves are working to equip their devices with such features. This also makes it possible to reach agreements with various smartphone manufacturers using Iridium.

Apple's smartphones already have satellite capabilities. Additionally, the satellite company is known to be partnering with some smartphone manufacturers. ​ Apple has increased investment in a satellite-enabled emergency response system. The feature was introduced in iPhone 14 models last year.

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