SpaceX will be a $500 billion company by 2030

SpaceX will be a $500 billion company by 2030 SpaceX will be a $500 billion company by 2030

Elon Musk's rocket company SpaceX will be a $500 billion company by 2030, Beninia investor Ron Barron said. He told CNBC in an interview on Friday. News Reuters. Barron's stake in the rocket company is worth more than $1 billion, according to CNBC. Barron said SpaceX will be a $250 billion to $300 billion company within the next three years.

SpaceX is currently valued at approximately $150 billion, making it one of the most valuable private companies in the world. Musk said earlier this month that Starlink, SpaceX's satellite internet unit, has been balancing revenue and expenses recently.

Starlink currently has more than 5,000 satellites in low-Earth orbit, providing internet services to remote areas around the world. SpaceX made about $9 billion this year from rocket launches and Starlink. The company hopes to grow sales to $15 billion by 2024.

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