During audio and video calls through WhatsApp, the Internet Protocol (IP) address can be checked to determine the location of the person on the other end of the call. In this way, hackers use the IP address verification function to call unknown people, collect their location addresses, and carry out network attacks.
To address this issue, WhatsApp recently launched a security feature called “Protect IP Address During Calls.” This feature allows you to keep your location private during audio and video calls on WhatsApp. Since calls are routed from one device to another through WhatsApp servers, the Protect IP Address feature makes it very difficult to identify a user's location.
However, the quality of audio and video calls may decrease when using this feature. In this facility, audio-video conversation information can be exchanged as before using end-to-end encryption methods. To keep your location private while chatting on WhatsApp, you first need to access WhatsApp from your Android smartphone.
Then click on the three-dot menu in the upper right corner and select the "Settings" option. Now, click on Privacy Options on the next page and select Advanced Options at the bottom. Then activate the "Protect IP address during calls" switch so others cannot find the IP address.
How to hide location in WhatsApp calls
মতামত দিন আপনার ইমেল প্রকাশিত হবে না।
আপনি লগ ইন অবস্থায় নেই।
আপনার মতামতটি দেওয়ার জন্য লগ ইন করুন।
যদি রেজিষ্ট্রেশন করা না থাকে প্রথমে রেজিষ্ট্রেশন করুন।
রিভিউ ( ০ / ৫ )
আপনি লগ ইন অবস্থায় নেই।
আপনার রিভিউ দেওয়ার জন্য লগ ইন করুন।
যদি রেজিষ্ট্রেশন করা না থাকে প্রথমে রেজিষ্ট্রেশন করুন।
০ টি মন্তব্য