Many people exchange messages through WhatsApp on a daily basis, either for personal or organizational reasons. Sometimes, strangers also send messages along with pictures or videos for various purposes.
However, the name or identity of the person is not visible in the WhatsApp contact list since the person’s phone number is not stored in the smartphone. To address this issue, WhatsApp will introduce the ability to view anyone’s profile in the chat box.
When the new feature rolls out, the profile information of everyone you’ve messaged on WhatsApp will automatically appear next to their name. This will give you a chance to know a brief identity of the person without having to go to the profile options.
This way, you don't have to deal with awkward situations when exchanging messages with strangers. WA Beta Info, a company working on various features of WhatsApp, has announced that the feature will be rolled out soon.
According to WA Beta Info , the feature is currently being tested on Android beta users. A review of screenshots posted by WhatsApp revealed that when sending a message, a brief profile message was displayed next to the user's name in the chat box.
This means that not only the identities of strangers will be known, but also changes to information in their profiles by known people. In addition to launching this new feature, WhatsApp will also launch a review feature that will provide the ability to reactivate channels that have been closed due to policy violations.
Not only will this increase the security of the channel, but it will also enable the restarting of channels that have been closed due to inadvertent errors.
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